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This is a serious subject and nothing to laugh at, least of which by the moms of teen girls who are actually trying to get pregnant. All this goes to

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I was a teen mother, so I try not to judge, but I never would have TRIED TO GET PREGNANT! I made one mistake, from the time I lost my

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Shoud You Say Whatever It Takes to Dissuade Her? But Diana H. cautions that a teen who wants to get pregnant is crying out for attention,

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Like, teens who get pregnant on accident. She's trying to tell me why this is completely normal and fine, I'm trying to explain why this is super

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Learn how to respond, offer help, and be a parent to your pregnant a pregnant teenager and you're on this page, try to use it to get some

Also keep in mind that it takes up to a few weeks for pregnancy to happen after sex. So if the sex happened a few days ago, you can't be pregnant yet, and Learn about how age affects pregnancy and fertility, conceiving in your 20's, 30's and Your Timeline for Trying: When You May Need Help Getting Pregnant.

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